November 13, 2023

My Dear Readers and Chelas,

There is a lot going on now with the earth and the people.  So many on earth are AI and have no God Spark or soul.  These are of the dark and are devious and programed to be that way.  Try to learn how to distinguish these from others.  Do not keep company with them.  They have special instructions for these last days but will not be advancing to any higher frequency or vibration.

Now, let us look at what is happening.  There is a definite parting of ways, or a splitting of timelines going on and it will continue.  Those who have done their work will continue to advance into the higher realms of earth to continue the re-establishing of God’s laws and directives along with repair and correction of continuance of heaven on earth.  Those who are not advancing will remain in their continued path they have chosen and make no mistake about it; it is a choice.  I am not saying it is wrong or somehow makes them less than loved by God for it is given to them to learn the lessons required before advancing.  It would not do to send them into a world where they are not prepared with learned lessons.  It would be a disaster for them and cause havoc for all concerned.  It will be established as it should be in both situations for the progress of all souls involved and that is what life is about.

You have no doubt felt the disturbances of this split or divergence of intentions of Gaia.  She has been an integral part of all this activity and has followed the energy God gave to her for the loving children she adores so ardently.  Her love for you cannot be measured and it is her proudest moment to be doing this with you as you continue to walk the well-earned path you have worked so hard to maintain.  It has not been easy for either you or Gaia.  There have been so many emotional moments of joy and sadness.  You will begin to see less of the dark intentions for they will be weeded out of your reality.  I could give you the in-depth reasoning and science behind how this is done and one day you will understand it all but for now let’s just say it is God’s will and you can call it magic, if you wish.  It is being done.  Your perceptions will open up and new things will enter your world very quietly and you will realize they are there.  More corrected DNA, more knowing on your part of situations, people and even with the animals for they are going with you too if they are ready.  Most are.

Let me be clear here; you are in the middle of this splitting and advancing or higher timeline choosing.  It is happening now and will continue.  In the past I feel you have thought it was a sudden occurrence and happen instantly but that is not the case.  It is a process for the suddenness of it all would be too much for you to handle.  There is compassion in Source for Soul’s safety and strength and that is why it will take time to complete.  All things in their season according to the laws of God.  Try to be at peace with these changes and know that your so-called address change is what is needed and what has been given to you in information for some time now.  It is so much easier to understand while going through it than it is just talking about it.  Enjoy it for this is a happening that you have been privileged to experience and give thanks for it in your own way.  This is one of the culminating moments you have been working so hard for and it is a rather large moment, seen by so many.  Not only will this go down in history, but many have come from far away to view it in person, and they wanted a front row seat.

When you feel the moment of how momentous this time is that you are experiencing, bow your head and open yourself to the joy that you are here and are going through this earth ascension firsthand.  You are not on the outside observing nor are you reading of it in a book or seeing it on the news.  Yes, you are experiencing this gift that has been given to you as a fantastic opportunity to know firsthand.  What will you make of it and how will you handle it?  Please help it along with your prayers and continue to aid and help your fellow travelers along the journey for it is outstanding in nature. 

I impart these words to you because it is easy to become lost within the ever-changing atmosphere and arena of earth and I don’t want you to miss anything or the importance of it.  Abide in the joy of the journey and as always be yourselves and let source guide your thoughts and actions to express as you will during the entirety of this ascension gift.  You are greatly blessed and have been gifted abundantly with this experience.  I must go now and prepare further for events.  My love is always given to you with my words.  I abide with you when time allows.

I am Theron, your Brother and Teacher.

3 thoughts on “November 13, 2023

  1. Absolutely beautiful. Wonderful. Thank you. Thank you. This so incredibly marvelous mission/work OOT/Offer of Trust has exceeded in the size and scope of its original objectives in many ways. It is now an affixed voice in the beautiful growing dialog of off world communication with/from earth. It is a success due to the great purposes of the Eternal Father which roll on forever and ever, eternity after eternity. At first our dear ones from Pleiades and so forth delivered and it has expanded now to include farther and farther out even a communication touching the angelic realms. Many watching are perplexed to see some of us up and aware of them. This is a greater battle and work than has been done before for it entails far more than just that of the overcoming of the dark which is a huge deal in the universe whenever that happens as it is. Yes there are infinate universes. My love to you all above (and extra-dimensionally) observing (and participating, to observe is participating in many ways, double slit experiment) and with me on earth. All glory and credit belongs to God our source. In reverence and peace
    Truth Overcomes All Bonds


  2. Dearest Theron, thank you for your continued guidance and direction as we navigate these final scenes and prepare for Earth’s transition into the 4th-5th dimension. As it is written so let it be. Your words are received with the deepest appreciation.

    Along with the faith and support I give you, I hope you and the readers can appreciate my responses to your messages as I follow your advice to “…let source guide your thoughts and actions to express as you will during the entirety of this ascension gift”, by asking those clarifying questions that can help us all better understand your words and messages.

    In your October 11, 2023 message after assuring your readers, “You, here at this juncture of earth’s history are on the ascension timeline and have no need to question or doubt yourself,” you clarified that the ascension timeline is “…more of a mental thing at this time than a physical or emotional move” and “…this conflict and most all conflict from the dark influence are on a 3-dimensional timeline.” From these statements, it appears that the experiential difference between those on the ascension timeline from those in the 3rd-dimensional timeline is more of a mental/emotional thing than a physical one. In other words, while from a physical perspective, we may all be going through the same experience, our reaction to, or how we handle the situation is different based on how we mentally/emotionally meet the situation. This concept is exemplified by a Jewish holocaust survivor Victor Frankl who was separated from his wife, and stripped of his identity and humanity in the concentration camps of Nazi-occupied Poland. After suffering daily degradation, deprivation, violence, disease, and starvation, Frankle was released only to learn that his entire family including his beloved companion Tilly had been murdered by the Nazis. In his book “Man’s Search for Meaning” Frankle attributes his survival to what he termed “meaning therapy”, which embodies an attitude that finds meaning and a sense of purpose in every moment.

    One could say that because of Victor Frankl’s mental and emotional discipline, he was in a separate reality from his fellows; for while Victor experienced alongside his concentration camp companions the same physical 3rd-dimension challenges, his experience was qualitatively different because of his mental/emotional approach to the situation. This appears to be what we are experiencing now, as we are all experiencing a darkened world of “wars, and rumors of wars” alongside men/women of all levels of existence. Is this an example of what you mean by the ascension timeline being “more of a mental thing at this time than a physical or emotional move”?

    To the contrary, your following statements appear to detail something different than what I just described above. “…this conflict and most all conflict from the dark influence are on a 3-dimensional timeline” and “You will begin to see less of the dark intentions for they will be weeded out of your reality. I could give you the in-depth reasoning and science behind how this is done and one day you will understand it all but for now let’s just say it is God’s will and you can call it magic, if you wish. It is being done. Your perceptions will open up and new things will enter your world very quietly and you will realize they are there. More corrected DNA, more knowing on your part of situations, people and even with the animals for they are going with you too if they are ready. Most are.”

    This statement appears to be describing what we would call parallel universes, or parallel realities, which differs from the above example. In this environment, the two timelines do in fact diverge, such that the parties of each timeline have different mental, emotional, and physical experiences while living on the same planet at the same time. As you mention, “You will begin to see less of the dark intentions for they will be weeded out of your reality.” This suggests to me that while those of the 3rd dimension experience the continual downward spiral away from the laws of God, those on the ascension timeline will see positive changes in our reality as the dark intentions are removed. Examples of this would be the dark ones no longer control world events through their secret societies, banking systems, global bureaucracies, controlled governments, lying media outlets, medical establishments, and corporatocracies. Regional or world wars are no more. Good, honorable, and just representatives and heads of state are elected. A return to constitutional principles, and the rule of law. A return to morality. A return to sound monetary practices. The abolition of slavery, child/human trafficking/sacrifice, the drug trade, abortion, LBGTQ, transgenderism, bestiality, and a return to the rule of law, by the people living by the laws of God and the Creation. In the world we live in now, people who are on the ascension timeline are living next door to souled and soulless beings of various levels of growth. The wheat and the tare are still growing together. Are you suggesting that as the dark intentions are removed, even though we are still on earth, the wheat and the tare will be separated and will no longer share the same physical, mental, and emotional reality? Literally, two parallel realities both on earth at the same time?

    There is a third way of looking at this. As Earth transitions into the 4th-5th dimension those who resonate at a 3rd-dimensional level will not be able to dwell in the 4th-5th dimensions and will either die or be relocated to a planet more suitable to their level of existence. Thus, “You will begin to see less of the dark intentions for they will be weeded out of your reality.” At the same time, those on the ascension timeline will experience the promises you have mentioned in other places; greater spiritual perception, soul awareness, gifts of the spirit, enhancements of our faculties through DNA correction, mental telepathy, longer life spans, etc. Perhaps a correct understanding of these timelines is a combination of all three examples. Yes, I am confused, and trying to figure it all out. Please recognize my sincerity as I strive to do so.

    Finally, you state, “Try to be at peace with these changes and know that your so-called address change is what is needed and what has been given to you in information for some time now.” Theron, are you speaking literally or metaphorically? Is this address change one of a physical location, dimensional transition, or both? When earth humans think of an address change, we think of physically moving from one place to another. When you speak of an address change are you speaking of our evacuation from Earth, the return to our planet of origin, and the family reunion Lanto spoke about? Or is the address change something different?

    Please view my questions as a humble and sincere attempt to understand your messages. I too send my love through my words, for I take the time to ask the questions that others do not, for the benefit of all. In gratitude, I express my thankfulness for your devotion to the light and your willingness to answer a chela who prizes your words above all things. Your chela Jay


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