April 24, 2024

My Dear Ones,

I know you have wanted messages and we had hoped by now that you would be further along the path of Gaia to ascension.  Because of complications of fast changing energies caused by Solar flares and ejections it has caused multiple energetic anomalies making it difficult to predict anything.  Also, the raising of vibrations personifies change regarding trying to find stable and compatible energies to lock onto for picking people up.  Do not worry for any time there is an emergency people will be picked up immediately.  Difficulties for locking onto compatible energies to transfer anyone will be beside the point and people will be picked up anyway.  This just makes it a little more difficult on the body when doing it when the energies are not preferable in compatibility.  It will be done anyway.

I know you have many questions.  We are having more difficulty in predicting time frames for you because of these fluctuations in energies.  We see the earth changes happening on schedule and are not being held back by us.  This is still up to Gaia and her timeline.  After communicating with her she says she is on schedule now and is proceeding.  My time is more than taken up with dealing with changes in the ascension process.  I see two different timelines.  These will diverge and separate in completion soon leaving one timeline with earth difficulties and another with these earth difficulties diminished with higher vibrations and prayer.

Let us leave it at that for I am tired of giving information that is not completely accurate regarding time and that is too difficult to read at the moment.  Thank you for your faith and your prayers for they have more support that you might imagine.  We receive your love and feel all of it and it is so welcome to all of us.  I leave you now with our love to all of you.

I am your brother, Theron

February 21, 2024

My Dear Friends and Readers,

It is with joy that I come to you this morning and tell you that you are most magnificent in your desire to succeed, and you have been consistent in your work and love for Gaia and her proceedings.  She is so loving and kind toward her children and knows when any one of you is unhappy.  Yes, I know it seems impossible that this could be true, but she is so connected with each of you by her love that she feels when one is in distress.

We have come a long way in our journey to the end of this colossal conquest of wills.  It was a confrontation of minds and wills with us using love as our weapons while the dark used devious means of hurtful actions and intent.  How they could have used all that energy for the cause of good!  It is upon us to forgive, or at least try in our attempt to recover the harm that has been done to earth and to us.  All records of events will be studied for generations to come and hopefully this will be a lesson to all regarding the will of our Creator and the laws that have been set up for us to live by.  Need I say more.

My purpose now is to inform you of the events to come.  We have several things before us that must be done, and one is the solar flash as you call it, and it is on our horizon.  This is a must and the energies involved will be strong and they will open up many avenues within each of you so that you will remember and re-connect with the God within regarding your past and your eternal connection with all that is everywhere.  You are not only earthly children, but you are creational living beings connected with all that is.  No doubt this will be of concern during the adjustment, and it is best if you do not try to keep this from happening, no matter how much discomfort it may bring.  It will settle and process more easily if you go with the flow, so to speak.  This is a big deal and is like Christmas morning when you open all your presents and find much happiness and joy.  There is the adjustment period at first and acclimating to the vibrations and energies, but after that is over your life will change dramatically for the better.  Some of you will have abilities returned to you that you once had before and some of you will receive abilities for the first time.  You are all different and all came her with different mileage on your soul’s journey.  This is one reason you have been so successful is that you each are different and gifted with abilities that you have worked for and earned.  You used them all to fight this battle and you have come out on top of it all with flying colors.

Now, some other things that are in front of you that are mandatory on the list is Gaia’s adjustments she will proceed with when the timing of them is right for her.  She is ready and waiting on the perfect moment according to energies being ready for it to happen within her earth properties.  She is perfected in this now since she has the right of way and Source speed to guide her.  She is a remarkable entity and so needs your love and wants all of you who can to go with her upon ascension.  It would please her very much.  These adjustments, as you know, involve earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and many energy adjustments with the fluctuations that come with them.  She has asked several times and confirmed with us that we have given you the information you need to be informed of things to come.  She is the ultimate mother.

There is also the giving of information and truth that must come and be given to all that can listen for this energy of truth has changing effects that are desired within the minds and comprehension of each of you.  It is quite commanding from High Up that this be afforded to everyone that will listen for it is your right to know what has been done to you and this has to be for the record that you will have the opportunity to be given this information.  Things cannot proceed in certain aspects for the future until this is done.  Then there is the settling of the truth into the consciousness that is necessary and will be different for each of you.  Time will take care of this and will not hold anything back at that point.  We, as yet cannot indicate how this will happen in your minds but the ultimate goal is one of belief and understanding, no matter how difficult this may come about in your processing of the truth.  It needs to happen for your personal growth and understanding.

This is a whole lotta stuff scheduled to happen for you and this is what we have tried to tell you over the past years.  Words do not convey the real events for you, but we do the best we can to prepare you.  Know that we are by you through all of this, and we will aid you through all as much as we are allowed to do so.  As events unfold you need to keep in mind one of acceptance that this has to come about and at its basis is a necessary scientific event that is in complete compliance with all that is.

We salute you in your accomplishments and I feel like we are sending you through this journey of adventure and you will see that ascension is the primary goal.  Many of you will be journeyed away to your previous homes or places of origination before some of these events.  Please do not worry as it will all be in accordance with soul’s best interest as it is custom designed for your life.  Our love is always given and please read this message closely as all this draws near for you.

We will see you through this, each and every one of you, without fail.

I am your Brother in Truth and this is not a political announcement.

I am Oberlen, one of the Truth Givers.

January 11, 2024

My Dear Friends and Readers,

It is with sadness that I bring you news of someone on our side who has lost the battle with the dark.  They ambushed him and took his life and I ask that you pray for Rafael to make his transition into Spirit energy swiftly and without delay.  He is not lost but will emerge with greater understanding and power to continue his work.  Those dark entities who think they have won do not understand the power and majesty of Source and Mother, Father God.  It cannot be destroyed.  I do not mean to burden you with this news but to enlighten you to be careful when deciding to take on the challenge of facing the dark.  It is better that you remain in your safe place and use your energy to bring in Light and Love.  Leave the face-to-face battles to others who have much experience with this effort.  Rafael did so much and gained so much ground before he was removed from his physical body.  Do not mourn him but edify him with your prayers.  Thank you.

Now, for the good news.  Because of work done from people like Rafael great strides have been made and the list of things needing to be done is almost complete despite the flourish here at the last from the ego drives dark who remain.  They are very few at this point and still they delude themselves into thinking they count for something.  Most of them are mind altered and are not themselves and will be taken down or out, whichever the case may call for.  It will be done.

How does this affect the timeline of events, you ask.  So many are hurting and need to be brought home.  There is comfort for these, and it will be done.  Our time frames are so different than yours and we see that you have sacrificed greatly waiting for the words brought to you by us of going home or ascension.  I assure you it has to be this way and no other.  To do it differently would cause great upheavals in several levels of energy and the time delays later would raise their heads above all else.  I give you my word that this procedure is by far in favor of all souls involved and was given much thought upon many occasions to bring about the best reactions possible.  There are times that sacrifice brings big benefits and this is one of them.  We are so aware of your pain and suffering, but we stand by you in choosing the best scenario for the perfect outcome above all others.

My Chelas, we are in the home stretch, as you say, and we see the final end of it all after so many long years of darkness upon earth with many in confinement of freedom of thought and action.  It is time for freedom for everyone.  The energy from the Sun is still coming and it will explain a lot of things for you after the adjustment to the improved circumstances you will see in everything.  This means you will know so much behind the actions that have been taken.  We look forward to this time of understanding for you and will celebrate for you ourselves when this happens.  Try to hold on to all you can of your inner confidence that all is well and is being taken to the very end of things with God directed intendedness in everything.

Remember do not confront the dark energy face to face no matter what at this point.  It will not be safe for they are using energy that is their last but powerful against all that do take them on.  Stay behind your safety shield of Light and work your power from there in private to bring in Light.  They cannot stand this, and it drives them out.  Your safety is uppermost in our minds now.

I must go.  Our efforts continue at present, and we are in the midst of the last remnants of their desire to exhibit their evil.  Our love is given to you and our concern for you is ever in our minds and intent.  We cherish you and your Spirit to overcome and the examples you have given to us far exceeded what we thought you would accomplish.  There are those of us who have lovingly called you the wrecking crew.

I am Theron in Truth and Light

January 2, 2024

My Dear Ones,

We have come to a pivotal time in events, and it is one we have all been working on for so long.  There have been so many delays, and it has been demoralizing for everyone.  Our challenges were monumental but there had to be a positive outcome to it all.  We see that all the hard work has paid off and you can look upon things from a different point of view now.  What you see is quite distorted and is not a good representation of what is actually happening.  You are limited and cannot comprehend the progress that has been made and the circumstances we are in at this moment.  I will try to fill you in on the status of things.

Large amounts of negativity have been removed and it might be a better description to say that it was moved out or overcome by powerful positive energy moving in and taking over.  Whichever case you perceive it has been done and you should now feel the weight lifted from all aspects of your being.  You might still be aware of the conflict of certain countries with each other and the erratic behavior of those who are in quite a conflict with themselves regarding accepting the new energies.  Pray for them as they are still in a state of learning and acceptance with the God within.  There will be closure on these as God has prepared a path for them to continue to learn and grow further along their way and they are loved without hesitation.  I know you have questions about those suffering and their pain will be lifted soon for they also had a part to play in this earth conflict.  Pray for them also.

We have been successful in what was set out to happen, even though we were met with opposition at all turns.  Even now small remnants of dark influence rebel and continue to use their energy to degrade and tarnish the efforts to liberate earth from the clutches of evil and dark plans.  These individuals will not succeed and will soon all be propelled down the road to their journey’s end, which will be the court system, either on earth or on our side of things.  We have been very busy for the past months processing those who have been brought up on charges for transgressions against the God Source of Light and Love that was long ago intended for those of earth.

There are present plans that you need to be aware of.  We quietly came in and removed many on earth that thought they could buy their way out of any hardship.  These have been dealt with in a legal manner.  In time all will find their proper place for continued growth and learning.  Upon us now is a dawn of a new day and you will be receiving a rather large energy wave designed to overcome and overhaul conditions and give all living things of earth a boost.  This energy may be bold and powerful for you, but it is necessary and is a blessing.  We ask that you accept it in its entirety and process it within yourselves as best you can without fear or grave concern.  This is the plan for earth as she proceeds with her children together in a move to a higher place of existence.  It will come as an energy from the sun and originated from Source.  We are very happy with the events that have taken place and those yet to come.  The timing of this event is this year and we have received a tremendous amount of help from off world entities who were called in to perform the tasks that loomed before us.  More information will be given about them at a later date.

You will be amazed at what has happened behind the scenes and it was hoped that you could see more of what was going on.  Right now, it is enough that you can feel the changes.  Prepare yourselves for this energy wave from your sun.  It will be taken in differently in each individual, but the end result will be the same.  All will have an adjustment period, both physical and mental when this happens, and it will probably last a few hours.  There will be no harm to you even though the adjustment period may seem intense.  Do not fear as all will turn out as it should.  At this point your perceptions will change and certain ones will be transported to a different location, and they will disappear from your view.  This event is necessary and is part of the ascension process.  We will be here to help you and give you guidance when needed.  There will be energies of understanding for you to help you manage any anxiety and you will be given reasons for what has transpired.

We will be giving of more information as time goes by and hopefully it will answer some of your questions.  After this energy is given and you have your period of adjustment any information will be more fully understood by you.  These things have to come in steps and this energy will make it possible for you to grasp certain elements of procedure then.  The transformation this will bring will make a difference in how you process certain aspects of events and make it possible for a better understanding of all events. 

I know this brings up many questions and so much of this process cannot be put into words.  We have tried to give you understanding of this in the past and now is the time for this big energy wave.  Be at peace and know that this is part of the process to advancement and has been the goal for quite some time now.  Most of this will just have to be experienced so that understanding can have a foundation to build upon.  Things are under control, even if it does not appear that way now on your world.  We have all come so far and now the next step is imminent.  Try to be at peace with it and our love is with you, as always.

We speak as a group in this information and we 

are pleased to give you this message.  All is well.

Theron and Other Message Givers

December 21, 2023

My Dear Ones, I come to you this day to bring you good news.  Be ready for some big changes.  We are not sure how others will react but all our plans for now will be brought to fruition before the year’s end.  It has taken an act of God to bring it about because there was so much against us.  God’s hand will not be denied.  So many times, there were delays and many were quite disappointed.  Now there is no backing down as powers greater than can be imagined are at play and they will come about in the order that is directed by on high.  Do not be afraid for this robs you of all correct reasoning.  Go within if you are concerned and rely upon the correct actions to take place.

Expect the unexpected in your surroundings and your new voices giving education and instruction.  You have worked most of your lives for this moment and so have we.  There will be new energy from the Sun the likes you have not seen before because of the message and changes it will bring.  A whole revamping of perception and revelation concerning truth and an unveiling of all that has been hidden.  Some will not like what is being revealed about them but now is the time that all will be revealed.  Try to go with the energy.  The sun will send energies that will play out differently in most everyone.  The end result will be the same; a clearing of sight, sound and evidence of all that needs to be known.
I wish I could be more specific but that is all I have been allowed to bring at this time. 

My Chelas, I have every reason to believe you will handle everything with the love of Source and faith in that which is to come as you have in the past.  It is upon you now to proceed with prayer for your fellow man for all will not do well.  Surround yourselves with Light and go forward with the acceptance of higher truths and vibration coming in.  This is in the hands of God now and we are all His subjects on the path to ascension.
I bring you my peace and confidence to take into your hears and accompany you through all that will come, including the unpredictability of human nature in others.  Stay in your peace and know that our love is with you.  Call upon us if need be.  We come to the crossroads all must face.  We tried to relate our story of truth to everyone and my thanks to all of you who tried to share our words.  Now it is up to them and their decisions.  No more need be said.
My Love is With You,

I am Theron

November 22d, 2023

Dear Ones,

I come to you with a message at this propitious time in your history.  Changes, which should have taken place earlier are now upon us and we must go forward.  Theron has been preparing you for what is to come, and I continue that message.  Be ready for some big changes and hold tight to your faith that all is well within you.  Do not fear or feel unbalanced in your connection with the God within.  There may be chaos and all manner of strange happenings because people who do not understand will act erratically.  Do not try to get out in the public and tell them your truth.  Let them choose their own path.  It is best for you to take care of yourselves in your path of love and Light.  You are being monitored and you are never alone.  This does not mean there will be no challenges but remain in your protective shield of Light.

Theron is wrapped up at present (a pun if you will) in work that has to be done.  He sends you his love along with the other teachers and messengers you have had.  They have all loved you through their words and hoped that you would take their words within you for thought.  We have come to the end of an era of difficult times and are now coming upon a view of tremendous change into more peace and happiness than you can imagine.  Carry your Light strongly now and continue to keep a watch on your thoughts that they are Godly, compassionate and kind for all will be struggling who do not know.

I must go now. Know that we are giving you notice, as we have planned to do so, and many others have also received these same messages.  It is time.

I am Bingham

November 13, 2023

My Dear Readers and Chelas,

There is a lot going on now with the earth and the people.  So many on earth are AI and have no God Spark or soul.  These are of the dark and are devious and programed to be that way.  Try to learn how to distinguish these from others.  Do not keep company with them.  They have special instructions for these last days but will not be advancing to any higher frequency or vibration.

Now, let us look at what is happening.  There is a definite parting of ways, or a splitting of timelines going on and it will continue.  Those who have done their work will continue to advance into the higher realms of earth to continue the re-establishing of God’s laws and directives along with repair and correction of continuance of heaven on earth.  Those who are not advancing will remain in their continued path they have chosen and make no mistake about it; it is a choice.  I am not saying it is wrong or somehow makes them less than loved by God for it is given to them to learn the lessons required before advancing.  It would not do to send them into a world where they are not prepared with learned lessons.  It would be a disaster for them and cause havoc for all concerned.  It will be established as it should be in both situations for the progress of all souls involved and that is what life is about.

You have no doubt felt the disturbances of this split or divergence of intentions of Gaia.  She has been an integral part of all this activity and has followed the energy God gave to her for the loving children she adores so ardently.  Her love for you cannot be measured and it is her proudest moment to be doing this with you as you continue to walk the well-earned path you have worked so hard to maintain.  It has not been easy for either you or Gaia.  There have been so many emotional moments of joy and sadness.  You will begin to see less of the dark intentions for they will be weeded out of your reality.  I could give you the in-depth reasoning and science behind how this is done and one day you will understand it all but for now let’s just say it is God’s will and you can call it magic, if you wish.  It is being done.  Your perceptions will open up and new things will enter your world very quietly and you will realize they are there.  More corrected DNA, more knowing on your part of situations, people and even with the animals for they are going with you too if they are ready.  Most are.

Let me be clear here; you are in the middle of this splitting and advancing or higher timeline choosing.  It is happening now and will continue.  In the past I feel you have thought it was a sudden occurrence and happen instantly but that is not the case.  It is a process for the suddenness of it all would be too much for you to handle.  There is compassion in Source for Soul’s safety and strength and that is why it will take time to complete.  All things in their season according to the laws of God.  Try to be at peace with these changes and know that your so-called address change is what is needed and what has been given to you in information for some time now.  It is so much easier to understand while going through it than it is just talking about it.  Enjoy it for this is a happening that you have been privileged to experience and give thanks for it in your own way.  This is one of the culminating moments you have been working so hard for and it is a rather large moment, seen by so many.  Not only will this go down in history, but many have come from far away to view it in person, and they wanted a front row seat.

When you feel the moment of how momentous this time is that you are experiencing, bow your head and open yourself to the joy that you are here and are going through this earth ascension firsthand.  You are not on the outside observing nor are you reading of it in a book or seeing it on the news.  Yes, you are experiencing this gift that has been given to you as a fantastic opportunity to know firsthand.  What will you make of it and how will you handle it?  Please help it along with your prayers and continue to aid and help your fellow travelers along the journey for it is outstanding in nature. 

I impart these words to you because it is easy to become lost within the ever-changing atmosphere and arena of earth and I don’t want you to miss anything or the importance of it.  Abide in the joy of the journey and as always be yourselves and let source guide your thoughts and actions to express as you will during the entirety of this ascension gift.  You are greatly blessed and have been gifted abundantly with this experience.  I must go now and prepare further for events.  My love is always given to you with my words.  I abide with you when time allows.

I am Theron, your Brother and Teacher.

October 20, 2023

My Dear Ones,

You have been tested in the past and you will be tested again.  Please know that you have the power and strength to overcome all obstacles put in your way for it is upon you now to remain connected with the God force within you.  Seek to know how powerful you really are and how you can use this for everything.  If it is a challenge that does not react to your prayers, then call upon your Higher Self to know how you should proceed.  Is what you seek to gain the will of the Father?  Is there a reason that is beyond your knowing that lives in the outcome of what you ask?  Ask to be led into the correct path for what you seek and try to understand there will not always be the answer left at your doorstep and possibly for many reasons you do not understand.  Source has many ways of bringing about what is needed so always open yourself up to action that is in alignment of what Father, Mother God will cause to happen which is the correct reaction but in the way that is most beneficial for all souls involved.  It may not seem so at the moment, but rest assured it is so.

The confusion may seem to multiply before the answers are given to you.  Do not feel left in the dark or on the sidelines.  Come to enlightenment of the subject by going to the God within instead of trying to bring God to you.  He is already there.  Seek Him out from within yourself and do not go seeking Him outside of yourself.  He does not light upon your roof at some point like the dove of peace for He is you.  Let me repeat that.  HE IS YOU and not separate from you.  My Chelas, I challenge you to rise above what you are seeing today in the news in all its forms.  What is being forced upon you is so far from what you should be given for much is hidden and much is distorted.  Please do not let the negativity of conflict disturb you so much that you draw away from your path of the Eternal Lighted Ones.  I will remind you of these words as you sleep.  I draw you near to me whenever I can, and we commune in truth.  It is always something I look forward to.

Forgive me for this is short as so much is going on right now.  Souls are returning and they must be taken care of.  Also, the soul less ones must be processed so as not to be set free again as they have been on earth.  It was a devious plot thought up by the darkness of Light starved souls and the earth was flooded with them.  I must go.

I am Theron and come always to you in Love.

October 11, 2023

My Dear Readers, I would like to address the question of timelines. There seems to be some confusion as to what timeline you are on, and you need reassurance. I beg of you not to worry concerning this question. You, here at this juncture of earth’s history are on the ascension timeline and have no need to question or doubt yourself. It will be noted in history that this is more of a mental thing at this time than a physical or emotional move. I bring to you teaching at night when you are more receptive about this topic and will go into more detail as you are making the best of students. You should see yourselves while you sleep as students ready for word on different subjects and I so enjoy this time with you.

Now, let us explain for others are here with me also, yes, this conflict and most all conflict from the dark influence are on a 3-dimensional timeline and they will reap their rewards for their actions. This is a deceptive conflict for things are not what they seem. Actors in this play are switching sides faster than you can imagine and it is hard to keep up with what country they represent and what they are standing for. Talking about double agents, this takes the cake, as you say. One of the biggest reasons for this display is to gain loyalty from individuals and countries for their cause and this includes both sides. Right now, Israel is ahead with being the underdog in this fight. Try not to be upset for those who lose their lives are in the care of angels and are being taken care of in the Highest order of things. The dark minions and those who don’t have a conscience at all are shills posing as something they are not and are being controlled by others of an even darker intent. I doubt you have plumbed the depths of darkness in your life’s journey, and this is a good thing. I dare not go further.

If you are concerned, which most all of you are, just send prayers and good will to the lighted ones and the conflict as a whole for it is almost impossible to say who is in the right for hardly anyone is at this time. Do not be fooled by appearances. Use your strengths and Light to overshadow the whole affair and bring these higher vibrations to the whole. We are most grateful for your involvement in this and other conflicts. Be prepared that it may become even more involved. We ask that you continue to act as the Divinely guided Souls that you have become with your intent for a better earth in all respects.

This is all for now and I will meet you in what you like to think of as the heavenly realms for more teaching, which I think of as my happy time with you. Give an old man his pleasures, if you will. I and others with me send you our love.

I might add that you are nearing the final episode of the earth conflict. We draw near and all of us here hope that we have given you all the necessary information for you to make any transitions and adjustments that may challenge you. We seek to have been good teachers for our time is almost over.

I am Theron

September 29, 2023

My Dear Readers,

I come to you with this message, and it is a good one.  You have had so many that were of dire content, and I am joyful to be the one to bring this information to you.  Let us say that so many intentions have come about and have been completed.  The list of things to do is so small now.  Most of what is left is up to the reaction of all involved.  How will the people take the following events.  There is the continued emissions from the sun and they are changing things dramatically.  Most are taking in the energies and processing them to the fullest extent possible.  Those who are not ready have been dealing with them in a most unfavorable way.  This is saddening to us, and we wish they could have prepared themselves in a better fashion.  It would have benefitted them greatly.

The love that is emitting from your planet is growing and this means the light is brighter.  We know you have lots of questions and they will be answered.  We had hoped to be further along by now and there were a couple of delays because events took their own sweet time to complete their changes.  Some things concerning science cannot be hurried and this was the case with the delays.  The universe has its own speed and there is no deviation from it.  You are seen as being on the cusp of major events and have been for some time now.  Reading the energies as far as predictions has been so different with these new waves from the sun and it is hard to tell exactly what time frame definition to give them.  In the past it was much easier to judge events as far as their timing but now it is more difficult in that they do not act the same way when viewed.  We see they are right there before us and then it takes longer than we viewed it to be.  Let us just say that things are progressing and moving along now, and we are pleased.

Some of you should have been taken home by now and I’m sure you are most disappointed that you have not been.  You deserve to be united with family and loved ones.  This day will come.  We have been asked not to give any time frames now as it can be wrong in the reading of them.  Your extended stays on earth were used to the fullest extent that we were able to use your prayers and energies and direct them in the right places to gain the most change from them.  You are remarkable souls in your intent and work.  It has been so rewarding to see you affect change in this way.  You will be most please when you find what you have accomplished.

I come to the point where the doors are closing on the past.  For you the past is dissolving from view and new vistas are forming before your perceptions.  This is how it works, you see.  You do not actually pack up and move to a new location for it is mostly in the same general area.  You leave all 3D things falling from your perception and pick up on all things in the low 5D range.  You are just tuning in to a higher frequency.  No moving vans or new roads, just waking up with different glasses on and seeing a more high-definition picture of everything you view.  More information coming in concerning everything and this means more confusion at first until you learn how to place it where it goes.  You will learn to use all of it in time and it will end up in the proper place in your mind.  Things like works of art will not only have color and form but meaning and maybe music and a story to go with it.  People will be seen in truth of intent and deception will have to be given a new meaning, something you experienced from your past life on the 3D earth.  You will have turned up the clarity on your view of everything.  Communication with us will become normal, everyday life.

We have given you these things of your future before and you are still waiting.  It is happening and most likely will not be in an instant because it is already happening in levels now.  Open yourself up to the new abilities and accept them as they develop within you for you have earned them.  Those who were not ready for this to happen to them will still have lessons to learn and will do so.  Try to be at peace with them in their learning for their path will be much different than yours.

I leave you now and hope that someday you can come to terms with all the delays and see the meanings behind them and be at peace with them for it has been a difficult ending, even more so than the first part of the journey.  We see and feel your disappointment and some your sorrow over delays.  We help you as much as we can.  All will come to pass.

I leave you in love,

I am Theron, and today those who are here with me.